Thursday, March 4, 2010

Insanity Defense

I feel as though it is a good law because some people actually are mentally insane and cannot control their actions. There are many ways to find out if someone is mentally insane and if someone is faking insanity to get off the hook, then psychiatrists will be able to tell. The insanity law does only permit to those who are insane and is not used very often. If it were used more I would have a different view on it because then it would show that people are using it even though not all of them are insane.
I think insanity should be considered in criminal cases. However, if people are not insane, then it should be ruled out very quickly. If there is not a legit reason to believe that someone is insane, then people should rule it out quickly instead of digging to try and find a reason to believe that they are insane.
I think insanity is constituted as someone who has a history of cases, that show that something has occured in their life to make them depressed or have thoughts that a human being should not have. If someone is on medication for some sort of mental illness whatever it may be, or if they are depressed or has seeked mental care, then instanity should be constituted.
I have mixed feelings on the Andrea Yates case. I definately believe that she is mentally insane and their is a lot of evidence to back it up. I feel as though her doctors should of had a regular check up with her to see how she is doing, and her husband should have made sure she took her meds. I also feel as though there is something wrong with her husband for not making her take her pills and still being married to her after she killed their five children. Another thing that makes me feel as though something is wrong with him is the fact that he had another kid with her after her doctors said it was dangerous and shouldnt happen. I don't think Andrea Yates should have the death penalty because I don't believe in it. She is a harm to society and should have not been allowed to be put in a lower level in psychaitric care because as many times as she has been released, she later has not shown any improvement and constantly needs to go to back for more help.


  1. I completely agree that it is a good law but needs to be investigated thouroughly. I think tests should be performed as soon as the defendent pleads insanity. I also agree that Andrea Yates shouldn't have been able to be moved to a lower level of security for psychiatric care. She should be placed in a maximum security mental illness center for life. The same amount of time she should have spent in prison should be spent in the psychiatric center.

  2. I totally agree with your opinion about your overall feeling about the use of insanity. I feel that insanity is not a bad and useless law that should not be used, but should be fully investigated when used so. I also agree with your opinion about Andrea Yates: she is mentally ill and should be placed in a higher level of psychiatric care for life. I do too still wonder why her husband is on her side and did not assure himself of her medication-taking. One question that I have is: "Could Andrea have "punished" herself by not taking her medicine?"
